Tuesday, August 7, 2018

4 weeks at Sandarbh : The Journey

A month ago, I started this small endeavour of sharing the first month experiences of all the interns at Sandarbh. We're almost at the end of that now. Today as I sat thinking about this I realised what a contrast there has been from my expectations of interviewing my colleagues to the reality of it. Some people that I had expected to be super talkative were the ones who were actually hesitant in answering the questions. On the contrary, the more shy ones ended up talking more than I'd heard from them in the entire month! Irrespective we got to know a lot about each other, things that probably won't have come up in conversation as easily. People were eager to share their experiences, talking candidly about the ups and downs of the journey.

In fact, when I think of it, getting people to share their experiences with me wasn't the tough part. It was more of an issue to get people away from their work to find time for the interviews. All of us are so involved in what we do whether in office or on sites that most of these conversations happened post work hours. Imagine trying to get someone to take a break from a drawing that they're really focused on or speak you after a long day at site! Today I was supposed to conclude the series with Clarence's interview, but after being on site all day he felt like he wouldn't really do justice to the same. So, come back tomorrow to know what it's been like for him and sooner than you know the 4 weeks here would've turned to many many weeks for all of us...


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