Sunday, February 11, 2018

Introducing the Interns

We have been busy busy busy here at Sandarbh this season with the Banarhalli, KnK, Linu’s and so many more. Six new interns including me joined this year. And counting the old four, the total makes it ten! And so on behalf of the interns I would like to introduce all of us new to the Sandarbh family, and congratulate those who opted to continue for another semester.

Starting with the old interns, and by old I don’t mean grey hair I mean the ones continuing working with us for another semester.

The first and foremost our guardian angel Kavi. She is the oldest and the youngest intern of Sandarbh. The sweet, helpful Kavi. Be it sketchup or hunting for flats, Kavi is you gal. Apart from being the go to savior Kavi has a dark streak and Jamsheed knows it pretty well. With her regular teasing and mean comments that we all love, Kavi Bharathi is the one to hang out and know will be taken care of.

Then comes Kiri, he likes to call himself the “visionare” of the firm, though I keep on telling him the word he is trying to find is “visionary”. Of course he disagrees… every time. One could describe him to be a sweet thing but in reality he is a slippery thing who is best in getting away with his escapades by his sweet smile and cheeky words. (Of course Sai is immune to all that and sees right through his beguile).

Next would be the fearless Aafreen. She may look like your regular competitive, plucky, energetic, tenacious, who does most of her work on the phone, but she is just so much more. She is also a caring individual with a soft heart, but she makes sure it doesn’t affect her work. (You wouldn’t want to see her when she is angry).

And then the brooding Shaz. The tough guy who is so sure he has all the answers. However realized he was Jon Snow the moment he met Sai, as did we all. It is not often we get to see Shaz in the office. He works off the site mostly. However when we do he is mostly sitting with people having a heart to heart. (We see through you Shaz! You marshmallow!).
And with that we are done with the old interns and will be moving on to the new ones.

It has been almost a month all of us have been together but believe me when I say it seems longer. So let’s go alphabetically shall we?

Drashti Meena is the working drawing expert of the office who makes mean autocad drawings. Apart from being scary efficient in her work she is a funny but blunt individual who goes after a problem with a club. There is only one problem she has yet to solve and that is her overbearing roommate who may remain anonymous.

Jamsheed or as he liked to be called Jamshy is like a teddy bear of the studio. He has a heart of gold who wants to start being capable enough to start taking care of his parents as soon as possible. But that is not enough. As it may turn out he has dreams of going for a long bike ride across the Himalayas and live in tents. Always be your forgiving self Jamshy.

Meghna is a workaholic. Period. If she gets work and she is unable to do it during work hours, she will make sure to take it home and do it all night until it is finished. But work aside. She is an observant person who knows very well what’s going around in the office. That’s why her hair is so thick… they are full of secrets. Jokes apart she is highly sensitive and is able to find the best in people and help them in adversities.

And then there is Ritika, the smartest of the all. She is always on time, be it for a deadline or be it leaving office. According to her it is mostly because she is dead scared of Bengaluru traffic. But we all know it’s because she has a life… the girl with the strangest talents also tells us she can form the Olympics logo with my bendy fingers. Truly strange.

Siddharth a.k.a Sid is barely seen in the office. He is out running around from site to site. Or off works “hangs with his friends” that we all know don’t exist. There was a time when he was in office but now his Sheldon spot has been taken by Drashti… and he does not like it. He has a strange ability to say all the wrong things and then get blasted for it. But it is also his best quality so I guess we will let it pass.

And last but definitely not the least, it is yours truly Shreya Singh. I like to think I am a multitasking superstar who would be great with everything thrown towards me. Of course my Jon Snow moment came a little late, becoming a humbling instant to know that’s not true. The rest of the interns like to call me the critic of Sandarbh, I like to call myself insightful. (And with that my self-praise should end or else I would be on top of the Empire state once again.)

And so in the end, I, on behalf of the interns, would like to thank the incredible team for making us feel welcomed to the firm.

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